Torchlighters is a series of animated programs for youth ages 8-12, presenting the lives of true-life heroes from Christian history. When kids see what God can do through a "Torchlighter" who is devoted to carrying out His will and purposes, they too may want to carry a torch of faith by serving Him. John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the established state religion. If only he would agree to stop preaching, John could walk out a free man! Why does he choose to stay in jail, and how will he serve his Lord in this wretched place? Find out in this episode of The Torchlighters. 30 minutes plus 83 minutes of extras including leader's guide. DVD Features: Language: English and Spanish. Subtitles: English Special Features: Original documentary with comprehensive leader's guide with lesson plans, background information, and more (also available at Reproducible student handouts, including discussion questions, puzzles, coloring pages, and more (also available at Many additional resources available online at