In this DVD you will experience thirteen of Christ's miracles that answer key Catholic questions. You will learn answer to key Catholic questions: How did Jesus perform His miracles?, Why did Jesus perform His miracles? Why and how the gifts of these miracles keep on giving! THE MIRACLES OF JESUS DVD is ideal for Kids and adults as well as strong Catholics and new Converts. The completely new DVD is an excellent introduction to all the miracles in the Gospels. This presentation is divided into short segments making it ideal to use to teach a lesson in family Bible study, Catholic Schools or any small group settings. Collectively they are a cohesive presentation that you and your family will enjoy and learn from, viewing all together. THE MIRACLES OF JESUS DVD is an extremely exciting and entertaining DVD. This inspiring presentation combines readings from Sacred Scripture with on-screen text, beautiful sacred art, and enlightening commentary that focuses on the two elements that Catholics care about the most: What does the Church teach about this? and, How does it apply to my life today? As you view this informative and insightful DVD, you ll discover what the miracles of Jesus reveal about the Sacraments, the Church, the power of intercession and much more. All together these miraculous episodes make a single cohesive presentation, but, since each segment is only a few minutes long, any one of them can be viewed independently. For example, any one of the miracles would make an appealing audio-visual supplement for religious education class, or an engaging addition to a conventional Bible study. See also these outstanding Catholic DVDs, WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE BIBLE , THE MIRACLES OF JESUS, WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT MARY, WHAT EVERY CATHOLIC NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE POPE, FIRE AND SWORD, THE CRUSADES, MARY AND THE MYSTERY OF FEMININITY, INTERVIEW WITH AN EXORCIST and all the Archbishop Fulton Sheen audio books in The Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Biblical Education Library. Subject matter included: Anxiety of Life, Divine Invasion, Eternity Claiming the Past, It Takes 3 to Make Love, By His Wounds We Are Healed, People of God, Communism & the Church, Original Sin, Sanctifying Grace, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Marriage, and much more.