Episode 11 Creation Scientists & 12 The Age of the Earth DVD is made in the style of the popular PBS Kid s DVDs. Kids love the sing a long songs led by Sing-a-Long Sycamore. This DVD is used in Sunday Schools, Christian Schools and Home Schools. You'll never know what you'll find, or learn, in Digger Doug's Underground. This exciting, live-action children's show grounds young viewers in the truth of God's Word. Digger Doug's Underground is the place where kids learn about God and His magnificent Creation. In the underground, the truth is always the goal.Through the fun and popular adventures of Digger Doug, this popular production continues to entertain and enlighten young viewers.. Episode 11: Creation Scientists. In order to complete a school essay contest, will Iguana Don find any famous scientists who believe in God? Episode 12: The Age of the Earth. If the Earth were really as old as evolutionists say it is, then the Earth would be far too small- but it isn't. Professor Whitecoat joins the fun, adding his scientific smarts. For years, Digger Doug has been working with his good friends at Apologetics Press, answering questions from young people all over the world. Now, the answers to these questions (and many more) have come to life on Digger Doug's Underground. Join Digger Doug, Iguana Don, Sing-a-Long Sycamore, Professor Whitecoat, and the rest of the gang as they explore basic Bible teachings about God, His Word, and His amazing creation. You will want to collect all 20 episodes.